My Arts Council funding application was successful!

I’m delighted to announce that my recent application for Arts Council England grant funding was successful! I found out just before Christmas that my studio recording and mixing project was approved, as part of round 8 of the Developing Your Creative Practice funding strand. This is fantastic news, and a real lifeline at the end of a year when the pandemic has had a horrendous impact on my work and income.

As someone who has built up an excellent track record in live sound over the past decade, I was already planning to increase the studio recording side of my practice, and had already started working on a new studio build when the Covid pandemic hit. This DYCP funding will enable me to work with and learn from several acclaimed mixing engineer mentors, as well as offering studio time and my own skills to a number of independent artists.

The Covid-19 crisis has had a huge impact on all musicians, creative technicians and everyone in the arts sector. This project will provide opportunities and work not only for myself but for a number of mixing engineers and artists, and I’m really excited about the new collaborations, ideas and new music that will emerge during the course of 2021. Thanks again to Arts Council England for the support!